Why are herbicides used in agriculture?

To understand herbicides, we must understand the importance of weed control. Weed control has long been a necessary part of agriculture, even before herbicides were developed. When you grow crops, unwanted plants called weeds sometimes grow together. The presence of these undesirable plants can adversely affect the growth and yield of the desired plants as they consume the same resources such as water, nutrients, sunlight and harbor insects and fungi.

Before the widespread use of herbicides, methods of weed control included manual weeding, cover crops, and alteration of soil pH, fertility, or salinity. Sea salt, industrial by-products, and oil were used for chemical weed control. However, it wasn’t until pioneering work was done during World War II that herbicides were developed for modern use that could kill a wide range of weeds without affecting crops. Agents can be said to form the basis of modern weed management and control for commercial applications in a variety of industries, including agriculture. Herbicides have brought benefits to agriculture. Widespread use of herbicides was quickly accepted by farmers as they proved to be a much more efficient method of controlling weeds.

herbicide use

Herbicides remove weeds that compete with plants for light, moisture and nutrients, affecting the quality and quantity of produce. They can also disrupt or damage harvesting equipment, harbor pests and diseases, contaminate water resources, and even be toxic causing health problems.

Herbicides are primarily used in agriculture, but herbicide use extends to other industries where unwanted crops need to be removed. In agriculture, herbicides are useful because they can control weeds at nearly all stages of growth, providing flexibility for plant breeders. Different crops are affected by different types of weeds and different herbicides need to be used. Some herbicide can be applied before planting the seeds to ensure that no traces of herbicide are pre-existing. If weeds already exist next to growing plants, you can use selective herbicides that can control weeds without harming the plants. The use of herbicides continues to be important as they can have a significant impact on yield and prevent harmful weeds from growing and being processed along with the crop.

herbicide action

Chemicals in herbicides can prevent or suppress weed growth. Herbicides are highly effective even at low concentrations. There are many different types of herbicides, each with different actions, but overall, the action of herbicides can be divided into two categories.
Systemic or mobile herbicides and non-systemic or contact herbicides. Systemic herbicides or transitional herbicides are herbicides that are absorbed by the plant from the absorption site and travel within the plant’s vasculature to the site of action where the chemical acts to control plant growth. am. Non-systemic herbicides or contact herbicides kill the parts of the plant they come in contact with. , is not very effective against perennial weeds.