What are the advantages of pesticides?

Pesticides help farmers produce more on less land.

The introduction of pesticides allowed farmers to grow more crops on less land, increasing crop productivity by 20-50%. In addition, pesticides enable farmers to maximize the benefits of other valuable agricultural tools such as quality seeds, fertilizers and water resources. Pesticides are therefore essential tools for the sustainable production of high-quality food and fiber.

Pesticides ensure a bountiful harvest.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many types of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other chronic diseases.

Pesticides help keep food affordable.

Farmers use pesticides to grow more food in the same space. Studies show that organic vegetable growers spend significantly more on manual weeding than those who use herbicides. This explains why organic foods are more expensive than conventionally grown foods. Pesticides help reduce waterborne and insect borne diseases.
Malaria, Lyme disease, West Nile virus, etc. Insecticides help control rodent and insect populations to prevent disease outbreaks and improve human health.

Pesticides protect the environment.

This allows farmers to cultivate less and produce more crops per unit of land, reducing deforestation, conserving natural resources and reducing soil erosion. Pesticides are also important for controlling invasive species and noxious weeds.

Herbicide saves me the trouble of weeding by hand.

This means that farmers around the world have the opportunity to pursue non-agricultural education and opportunities to improve their quality of life and living standards.

Pesticides have turned developing countries into food producers.

Crop protection products help farmers in developing countries grow two or three crops a year, enabling these countries to become the bread basket of the rest of the world. Food exports benefit people in temperate countries with short growing seasons.

Protect what is stored.

Even after planting a crop, it can still be attacked by pests. Insects, molds and rodents can damage valuable grains. Pesticides used on stored produce can extend the life of produce, prevent large post-harvest losses from pests and diseases, and protect grains so they are safe to eat.