Research And Development

The strategy of the company is to work on value added, environmentally friendly formulations like Suspension Concentrates which are based on water as solvent and like Water Dispersible Granules (Spray Dried and Extruded) of the old pesticides molecules. Also work on CAPSULE SUSPENSIONS which are the latest developments in Pesticides Formulations where an active molecule is coated by a polymer, which gives a formulation a slow release and low toxicity properties. This property enhances the efficacy of the product multifold. Also working to develop several active ingredients based on similar chemistry like Chlor family of Herbicides. More thrust will be given on Clinical data generation of the existing molecules and getting them registered in developed countries.

Thrust of the R&D has been mainly

  • Process development
  • Technology to manufacture off patented products
  • Development of new products and scale up Improving existing process efficiency for higher productivity and for cost reductions
  • Customized formulations